How to Bulk Edit Timesheet notes in WorkflowMax Invoices

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Less admin, more freedom.
How to Bulk Edit Timesheet notes in WorkflowMax Invoices

How to Edit Timesheet Notes in a WorkflowMax Invoice

There are two options for how to bulk edit timesheet notes in an invoice without having to go back into individual timesheets on the job, or resorting to exporting the invoice to MS Word.


Timesheet notes visible under each task.

Edit all the timesheet notes in one place within each task.


Prior to invoicing the Organisational Setting for Timesheet Notes set to “Task Description – Time Detail”:


Task Description - Time Detail Organisation Setting


When the invoice is created, all the timesheet detail will be visible in the draft invoice:

Timesheet Detail on Draft Invoice


Click into an individual task to freely edit all the timesheet notes for that task:

Edit Timesheet Notes in Task



All timesheet notes appear together in the Job Description field for open editing

Prior to invoicing the Job is set up with the Organisational Setting for Timesheet Notes set to “Invoice Description” (change from Option 1 above where it is set to "Task Description - Time Detail"):

Prior to creating the invoice, in this example “Job Description” field has data in it such as in this example: 

Job Description WorkflowMax


When the invoice is created the Job Description text remains and the timesheet notes are added.

Timesheet Notes in Job Description WorkflowMax


All the timesheet notes are in one place for immediate editing.   Only the notes appear, not the Dates or Times.

To me, it is odd that the timesheet notes appear in the Job Description field rather than the Invoice Description field, but easy to bulk move if wanted.