Custom Donation Receipts in Xero

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Less admin, more freedom.
Custom Donation Receipts in Xero

Donation Receipts in Xero

It is possible to create receipts in Xero with a receipt number as well as text to thank your donors.

Here's an example of what can be done.  Under the solid line in the example, I've bolded the data fields that have been inserted.    The fields being used are "LineAmount",  "Description", "ContactName" and "InvoiceDate".  The Receipt Number is the "InvoiceNumber"

Custom Receipt in Xero


What type of template can be used to create a receipt?

There are at least 3 different Xero Advanced Templates that can be repurposed to create a receipt. 

Advanced Invoice Template

This is probably the easiest in terms of process.  When a donation is received, an invoice would be created and approved in Xero.  Then using the Advanced Custom Invoice Template which makes the invoice look like a receipt, the receipt can be sent directly to the donor from Xero.  

  • Once the template is created there is no extra step to create a receipt, it is an immediate print
  • In the example I've given, nothing will show as due because the total or amount due is not included in the template.
  • If a Receipt Number is required, it would need to be manually entered into the Reference Field, or Invoice Number field, and that field included in the template.  (This is not the method use in the template provided above).  

Advanced Quote Template

If it's important to have  automatic number sequencing for your receipts then you might consider repurposing a Quote Custom Template. 

  • The Quote number sequence can be updated to suit such as RECEIPT-0123 rather than QU-0123 This is the method used in the template provided above. 
  • The advantage is sequential numbering of receipts (as Quote numbers) completely separate to Invoice Numbers. 
  • The method would be
    • when a donation is received create a draft quote for the amount of the donation
    • print the draft quote onto the Advanced Quote Template to create a receipt document
    • print to PDF and send to the donor
    • Then use the "Copy To" feature in Xero to copy the draft Quote to create an invoice which can be approved and reconciled against the donation. 

If your organisation doesn't use Xero Purchase Orders you could use the same method as for Quotes.